Music & the Arts
Music- At Willard there are many options to learn about international cultures through music. Music instruction is intertwined with mathematical reasoning. We value and encourage music education.
Violin - All 3rd grade students take violin classes once a week. Their year culminates in an end of year concert.
Orchestra/ Band - Students in 4th and 5th grade may select an instrument to play. Willard has many instruments available for students to check-out and use for home practice. Students practice twice a week with our Orchestra/ Band instructor, Mrs. Dimas. Their year culminates with an end of year concert.
Little Kids Rock- All students at Willard leave 5th grade knowing how to read music. The Little Kids Rock program is instructed by Ms. Wittry and classroom teachers. Kindergartners sing regularly in their classrooms, 1st grade learns to play keyboards, 2nd grade learns to play recorders, 3rd grade learns violin, 4th grade learns to play guitar, and 5th grade revisits keyboards.
International Dance Festival- Each grade level hosts a dance to music from around the globe. All classes convene in the assembly area to cheer and celebrate as an international community. Families are encouraged to sign in early and bring lawn chairs to enjoy the festival.
LEARNs- Students in 4th and 5th grade make a year-long commitment to join Ms. Daniels and her Rising Stars. The Rising Stars meet after school. Students sing and dance at a variety of venues around Pasadena and regularly at Willard.
Brotherhood Assembly- Ms. Daniel choreographs and directs a spectacular dance and music festival to celebrate African American History. Students share this proud cultural celebration with three performances.