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Special Programs

English Language Learners - English Learners are assessed using the CELDT annually to measure language acquisition. English Learners are instructed during designated ELD time and language supports using language objectives to support language demands during content area instruction.

Special Education - The Pasadena Unified School District provides Special Education Services to children identified as  having special needs as young as two years old. The extent of participation in services is dependent on individual needs and may range from weekly speech therapy to sessions to on-going Resource Specialist Program (RSP) services to placement in a Special Education Classroom. Parents or guardians who feel that their child might need Special Education services should talk first to their child’s teacher or with school administrators so that a referral can be made.

Birthday Book Club - Look for a letter from the Willard Library inviting your child to join our Birthday Book Club on the month of his/her birthday. This is your opportunity to donate a new book to our library in honor of your child’s special day! If you would like to participate you can send in your donation after receiving the letter. There will be a selection of new pre-purchased library books for your child to choose from. We will place a bookplate with your child’s name inside the book and he/she will be the first to check it out. This is a fun way to help our school library get new books, and it will give your child a sense of pride and ownership in our library.

Visits - Willard has over 15,000 texts and an expanded program that supports inner-library loan from the Pasadena public library. Each year over 23,000 books are circulated through our system to support research and the love of reading. Willard has a full time librarian, and students visit the library weekly for 30 minutes. Students are also able to visit during recesses with a pass. Willard’s library is full of rich non-fiction texts to support research and inquiry around the IB units. There are also wonderful fiction titles to nurture the love of stories. With over 15,000 texts we have an expanded program that supports inner-library loan from the Pasadena public library.

Library Resources

Proquest SIRSFor username and password contact Karen Petersen at

Grades of Green and Green Team - As part of our global citizen learner profile Willard students are striving to be a trash free school.  Willard students recycle paper, cardboard, cans, bottles and mixed items.  We encourage you to help your child pack a trash free lunch by using reusable containers without baggies or wrappers.  Willard students compost uneaten fruit and vegetables and we use the compost for our school garden.   Students at Willard help each other by sorting and recycling sporks, lunch trays, “lunchables” containers as well as paper towels that we use for the compost. In 2015-2016 Willard received recognition for an outstanding composting program.

Rosebowl Aquatics - Third grade students visit the Rosebowl Aquatics center to take swim lessons. Swim lessons span three weeks. Students at all ability levels are instructed by expert swim teachers to expand their swimming abilities.